Saturday 17 December 2011

Inside my DD closet

I'm happy inside my closet. I really am. This cozy closet Hubs and I have set up for ourself is very comforting. More and more lately though I find myself wishing I knew another couple in person who practice domestic discipline. I love that I have created this blog and I find comfort reading blogs from others but I really want to SEE a another DD couple in PERSON. I know they exist. Often when I am out I look at other couples and wonder if they have the same kind of secret I do. I'll see a woman "bratting" and her husband gives her a look and I wonder if when she gets home she will have to face the same fate I would if that was me. Is there statistics anywhere that show aprox. how many couples practice a healthy Domestic Discipline relationship?
I'm really not good at keeping secrets. I mean the keeping them to myself I can do but I just always just want to tell someone. Its hard. I especially hate it when I hear about friends experiencing problems or just want a bit more happiness in their relationship and I can't tell them about ttwd. I would love to, but again its hard! Its not an easy subject. Sometimes I wish I could just scream to the world about it so everyone knows and I can stop holding it in (that would especially make it easier to explain when I'm grounded lol)
I dont know what I wanted to accomplish with this post. Its just abunch of rambling thoughts that I have had in my head and this blog is all I really have to talk to about ttwd besides my hubby. So thank you readers :) and if anyone has comments to any of my random thoughts, please do share. Thank you all and Happy holidays :)


Oh and Just a side note, I have managed to stay out of any kind of trouble for 2 whole days now! I'm very proud of myself. I mean NOTHING. No stern looks, no warnings.. I have been a good girl :)


  1. It has been fun for me to make friends in blogland here and I'm looking forward to meeting one...and I really do think it is going to happen. I hope in time you will too because I totally understand what you are saying

  2. Two that a record? Good for you!
    Meeting a Dd friend can be wonderful, but take your time. Just because they practice Dd does not mean you will have enough in common to be real friends. Keep blogging and I am sure it will happen! Sara

  3. @Susie. I definately agree with blogging being fun to meet people. I have enjoyed talking to like minded people. I wish you the best at finding someone in actual real life.

    @Sara. thank you for your kind words. No 2 days is not a record, but its still pretty impressive for me . I usually have some kind of attitude atleast once in a day lol
