Sunday 11 December 2011

How we do it with a baby in the house

I have recieved 2 emails asking how me and J manage to involve our relationship with DD when we have a baby at home, so I thought I would make a post to answer those 2 people and any other reader who might be curious.

The answer is: It's tough; but where there is a will there is a way.

First of all, we take full advantage of her sleeping time. Just like any other couple will take advantage of their child napping to spend quality time, as do we. DD is a part of who we are. We have been BLESSED with a content baby (seriously, it scares me just how content and happy she is, and has been since a newborn) who has slept 12 hours straight each night since she was 7 weeks old. So alot of my punishments happen at night when she is asleep.
When she is awake J takes full advantage of "quiet punishments" such as lines, corner time, removing a privlidge or two etc.
He will administer the odd spanking when she is around. Like I said, she is content.. so it is nothing to place her in her crib with some toys, put the baby monitor on and do what needs to be done.
Yes at times it can be tough. But J is very consistent. Once he decides i have earned a punishment its going to happen... eventually anyways :)


  1. Email me plz :)

  2. I'm sure this is great advise for anyone who only has an infant. Having more and older children really presents some new challenges, lol! Especially when their bedtime is not much sooner than our own! lol!

  3. I didnt mean this as advice, although if someone benefits from it thats good =) It was meant to answer questions. Because my daughter is only 8 months old and she is my only child I am not an expert at DD with children in the house LOL
