Tuesday 27 December 2011

A Christmas Spanking... well almost.

Hello Everyone :)
I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays as much as me :) It has been go,go,GO busy but it's been really nice none the less. I have just a few minutes to be on here so I thought I would of a funny thing that happened the other night thanks to my HoH.

On Christmas Eve I was hanging out with his sisters having girl time and J had fallen asleep around midnight. Eventually we said our goodnights. I checked on the baby and went to the bedroom to fall asleep myself. I guess I made a bit of noise and J woke up.

J: Oh I guess I fell asleep! I didnt mean to! What time is it?
Me: (looks at cellphone) It's 2:19 babe
J: (Half asleep) Are you SERIOUS!?!? You let me SLEEP past noon!? You made me miss out on Christmas morning!? You let me sleep through our daughter's first Christmas? Melly I would HATE to be you when you get punished for this. I dont know what its going to be, but I can promise it is going to be BAD.
Me:OMG!! You are so funny!! Go back to bed! It's 2:19... AM!! you only slept for 2 hours!
J: Huh?
Me: Yep. As if you ACTUALLY think I would do that to you!! I am waking you up EARLY! You may be the head of this house but *I* have decided that tomorrow you are not sleeping in. (laughs) (I said this jokingly as i know he wouldnt miss it)
J: (laughing) I am sorry honey! I was half asleep! I dont know what I was thinking. And no, you are right, we are both getting our butts out of bed early tomorrow. Come lay down me and we can sleep for a few more hours.
Me: Okay babe :D

I shut off the light, joined my handsome HoH in bed and fell asleep in his arms. We awoke just after 7 and the baby was still asleep. We were doing some last minute things and I brought up the event. And would you like to know something??... HE HAD NO RECOLLECTION OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
I still laugh about it :) I have been wanting to tell people but I can only tell so much, I mean I cant tell everyine he was going to SPANK me. So I decided to tell you, my blogger friends. I hope it put a smile on someones face :)
It sure is funny, the things we say in our sleep sometimes. Or how excited a grown man can be over Christmas haha


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