Monday 28 November 2011

The power of "the look"

I know I am not the only one because I have talked to two other women I know who practice DD and they say their HOH's do it too. I'm talking about THE look. When I am having attitude, being testy, or just straight up being bad Mr.J has this look that he will give me. It's like a " you're in trouble Missy" kind of look and sometimes the look alone is enought to smarten me up! (and if it doesn't work, giving me the look followed by a stern"what melly is short for" and i will probally be set straight lol) We can be out in a public setting or at someones house/have someone over and I will begin acting up.. J shoots me the look and I KNOW I'm either in trouble or I'm almost there. 

Over our relationship I have got to know him quite well and he has many many different looks that I know, but I got to say this one probally has the biggest effect on me.
As always, feel free to leave comments!



  1. Although I hate to see "the look", it does some good as it always makes me mindful of what I'm doing. (sigh) Live and learn, right?

  2. Yes, the "look" can definately enhance self-awareness!
