Friday 6 January 2012

To My Daughter

This is a completely vanilla post and has nothing to do with DD. If you read my post before last you know I was pretty upset on newyears eve. Well after I got off the computer I decided instead of being sad, I was going to make myself happy for when midnight struck. I wanted to bring the new year in happy. I started thinking about all the good things that happened this year and my mind kept on thinking about how my daughter changed me. - So I wrote the following.

I have been on earth for almost 20 years, but 2011 was by far the best.
In January 2011 I entered my 3rd trimester. It was  hard but you were worth every backache, every foot ache, every foot in the ribs, every hospital trip, everytime I threw up.
When April came and I went in to labor, you were worth every back contraction, every ounce of pain, every strong kick i would do it all again.
When I held you for the first time, when your Dad placed you on my stomach, I fell in love. When I held your tiny 6 pound 10 ounce body, the feeling was like no other. You were worth every single minute of awakefull ness that was spent comforting you.
In 2011 I gained so much. This year I nursed a baby. This year I had a baby fall asleep on my chest, numerous times to boot. This year you taught me that I never knew true happiness untill I felt like my world was crashing down and all it took was you smiling at me to make it better.
In 2011 I saw you smile, I heard you laugh, I kissed your cheek, I held your hand.
In 2011 you made me smile, you made me laugh, you kissed me, you wrapped your little hands around my fingers.
In 2011 I witness you grow, you learn, you thrive.
In 2011 I watched you love.
In 2011 I loved. - I loved a deeper love than I ever imagine possible. I never knew something(someone!) so tiny could have such a drastic change in my life. But you, my girl, did.
I want to say that 2011 was the best year ever; But Im not quite sure if that is true.
Best year ever, YET, yes. But with everything I have experienced this year and with the knowledge of knowing that things will continue, I know things are only to get better.
How things can get better than best, I do not know, but we will see together. You and me.
I am so blessed to have you in my life.
I love you.

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