Tuesday 3 January 2012

He Wants To Start New Things

Well we are all moved into our new place, now to just unpack and everything and we are good to go :) J has informed me that because it is a new year, and we have a new home, that we should also have new guidelines. ugh. We talked about it last night and he told me that for now on he will be checking in on my medication. This is one thing that i will be more than happy to have his help with! When I forget a dose it really messes with my moods, i hate it. Its usually not a problem anyways so it should be okay. We talked about the importance of me taking them regularly though and for now on when i do forget them,there will be some kind of punishment. He also told me that he wants me to eat more regularly. I have a bad habit of not eating at regular times, and then when I do eat its not the healthiest things or just nothing at all. He said this is something that we should have worked on a while ago and it wont be tolerated anymore. Uhm,  I can see this being a problem as old habits die fast, however it is a bad habit none the less and I agreed. Something tells me that I will have a problem sitting for the next little while.
 One more rule that has been instilled is that for now on for every glass of pepsi I have I must also have a glass of water. I am borderline addicted to Pepsi. I don't drink coffee so to me this is my source of caffeine. I drink soo much that whenever I am thirsty I reach for pepsi - EVERY TIME. - I sadly never drink water. maybe 3 glasses a week. :/  Well we both agreed that this is unhealthy and also should have been nipped a while back. So i am suppose to mark down every glass i have and by the end of the day i better have the same amount of water marked down. We didn't go too much further into it yet but the system will work something like that.

I just wanted to fill this blog in on whats going on and this conversation because its part of DD.
 I am so tired from moving so I am going to go find my man and hit the hay. I may get spanked first because I may have had major attitude earlier (Who me!?)

I hope everyone is doing well and getting a good start off to the new year.



  1. If we were in the same time zone I could remind you about the meals...we have the same rule here. It was hard at first but I'm getting there, so don't feel too overwhelmed.

  2. Those sound like some important rules. I hope they help! Sara

  3. Oh, I can NOT let "H" see your rules.. I am completely addicted to Diet Coke.. like crack addicted and he always gets on me about water!
    We have the eating rule here as well. Have to eat something he considers "real" food and no going for days eating junk, or just carrots and cucumbers.
    Welcome to your new year!
    Good luck!
